This is our library of information about commercial roof installations and flat roofs in general. It provides a collection of content designed to give you an understanding of flat roof systems and their issues, as well as the benefits of yearly maintenance programs for commercial properties.
The Importance of Roof Inspections: Protecting Your Investment
Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, and it’s important to ensure that it remains in top-notch condition to protect your investment. Whether you’ve noticed...
5 Signs of Flat Roof Trouble
Flat roofs are common on commercial properties and stratas but can also be found on some residential homes. It is important for property owners, no matter the type of property,...
A Commercial Roof Maintenance Program is Worth It
We have written about the value to commercial property owners about having in place an annual roof maintenance program. Quite simply, the investment to keep a commercial roof in good...
Repairing & Preventing Animal Roof Infiltration
A certain percentage of Absolute Roof Solutions’ roofing repair calls come from homeowners who have had some animal chew its way or gain access to their roof and cause damage....
Repairing Your Old Commercial Roof May Be Better Than Replacing It
For commercial properties, the cost of replacing a worn roof may be prohibitive. Not only is there a large outlay of funds which can be north of $300,000 depending on...
TPO Membrane Roof Is Superior To Tar & Gravel
Tar and gravel roofs have long been used on commercial buildings around the Lower Mainland. Such roofs in their day had a comparatively low installation cost and good insulating properties....
Understanding How A Flat Roof Works & Why It Needs a Slope
When it comes to home maintenance and improvement, the roof over your head deserves a top spot on your priority list, especially if your roof is flat. Flat roofs can...